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The latest high-quality photo and video materials from our stores and distribution centres, as well as elements of our corporate identity

Бабушка выбирает замороженные продукты из холодильника в супермаркете

Contact us

Public Relations
Denis Kuznetsov
Head of Public Relations
Photo - Denis Kuznetsov
Tatiana Khaustova
Head of Digital
Photo - Tatiana Khaustova
Artem Falchev
GR and Regional
Photo - Artem Falchev
Yulia Sitanova
HR and Employer Brand
Photo - Yulia Sitanova
Ekaterina Kuzmina
ESG and IR
Photo - Ekaterina Kuzmina
Vasiliy Vasyukov
Online Communications
Photo - Vasiliy Vasyukov
Vladimir Taburov
Online Communications
Photo - Vladimir Taburov