Main • Results for Investors
Here we present the most frequent questions that X5 private investors ask us. On this page, you will find information about the securities, reporting and strategy of X5 Group. FAQ What are GDRs, and can…
…Decision. For investors who hold X5 Company DRs, directly or indirectly, through foreign depositories (e.g. Euroclear, Clearstream or DTC), the procedure for distributing shares in X5 LLC will depend on their nationality and/or residency as…
…as Russia’s most valuable retailer for investors X5 tops Best CEO, Best CFO, Best Investor Relations Program, and Best IR Professional lists on Emerging EMEA Executive Team 2019 rankings HeadHunter names X5 best employer in…
…opportunities for collaboration Investors Growth rates, development of our formats and digital businesses, and other data to assess our performance Sustainability strategy More details Press Centre Capital markets X5 completes RUB 18 bln corporate bond…
X5 Group works closely with all market participants: customers, producers, suppliers, investors and government agencies. One of the core principles of X5’s business is good-faith partnership, which provides the best conditions both for incentivising the…
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