28 February 2018

Pyaterochka to provide rent-calculation tool for 63 regions

Moscow, 28 February 2018 – X5 Retail Group ("X5" or the "Company"), a leading Russian food retailer (LSE and MOEX ticker: FIVE), announces the launch of an online service that enables real estate owners to calculate their average rent at any location across Pyaterochka’s regions of operation.

The tool uses a database of more than 10,000 lease agreements currently in place for Pyaterochka stores. The service not only provides information on the rent Pyaterochka is willing to pay for the premises (assuming they meet the chain’s criteria), but also allows users to send their offers directly to the relevant contact person. The service can also be used to send applications for the sale of buildings or premises, as well as to put land plots up for construction of Pyaterochka stores.

To calculate the rent or submit an application, please visit the Real Estate page on the official websites of X5 ( or Pyaterochka (​

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